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Traditional Artwork.

Traditional mediums go from watercolor, ink, colored pencil, oil paint to acrylic paint.


HILIGHT PIECE: Carrying Your Weight

Ink and watercolor on canvas paper. FALL 2014;

Purchased by her boss in the Spring of 2015.


 This piece was a personal mark assignment in Kayme's 2D Design class, basically meaning to portray an embodiment of her inner being or represent herself without simply doing a self-portrait or writing about herself. A rendition of a lost high school piece called Vini, Vidi, Vici, shown as the dragon coming from the clouds carrying the weight, it is now an eagle trying to soar with the weight.


HILIGHT PIECE: Average Thoughts

Graphite and Colored Pencil, 2012.


 A piece done in high school. Kayme has always believed that if you think average, you will shoot for average, and you will forever be average. She wishes to break away from the norm and excel; take herself to higher places than these 'norm's.

oil Paint


Oil paint. Fall 2013.


 "Can’t you just imagine the still ocean as the sun rises on a new day? An open boat; a wide world. Endless possibilities. But danger lurks in the depths, and if you’re not careful you might fall in."

 Kayme is proud of this piece mainly because she painted it in her first art class while at Cisco Junior College. Accompanying this piece art two paintings side by side; her first and second semester in art class.


HILIGHT PIECE: Negative Sunset

Acrylic paint. FALL 2015.


 The hilight piece was made during a painting workshop with a local artist: Patty Rae Wellborn. Patty Rae uses bright colors and likes to layer paints on top of each other, as well as using the palette knife for texture.

 This work is called Negative Sunset because the background is a sunset in negative. What you see as blue would be orange, yellow would be purple, red would be green, and vice versa.

       I make thought-provoking and emotionally charged art. I bring a scene to life from a blank canvas. I try and capture beauty and emotion where words fall short. I like to make the viewer see new worlds and to take them on a journey. I make art because it has always been something I am good at; my family is widely artistic, which is why I don’t just pursue one or two mediums but all the realms of art that I can – even literature.

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