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Kayme DeLynn Conway

(February 27, 1995 - Present)


     At the age of four Kayme became a child of divorce. With two older brothers she found herself pretty alone and confused in the world, missing her mother then missing her father. Her father married three more times, introducing many different atmospheres in the home and many siblings to know. Kayme's second step-mother brought in four children, including one girl that was almost a year younger than her. The two girls became best friends, and stayed sisters through their parents' divorce. Kayme experienced many custody battles over her before going to live with her mother at the beginning of her fifth grade year. The custody battles would ensue, but this would be where she stayed.



     In 2009, Kayme began her high school career. A new high school had been introduced into her city called "New Tech," later to be renamed the Academy of Technology, Engineering, Math & Science (A.T.E.M.S.), a technology and engineering focused school that would utilize project-based learning. When Kayme turned fifteen she became old enough for the youngest hiring job in town, a grocery sacker. So thus she worked. She began to build up a savings for college and bought her first vehicle - a B2300 white Mazda truck named Truck Norris.

     It was during her high school years that Kayme became depressed; from the suicide of a best friend to the murder of her cousin, Kayme had to quit her job after two years of employment and begin counseling. After the next school year started, however, she began working as a hostess at Texas Roadhouse, and advanced in the work place from hostess, to host manager, to server

     Kayme believes these were the most crucial years of her life, shaping her personality and her perspective on the world entirely, and beginning her new life moto of "perseverance." Kayme's greatest achievements throughout high school were designing the senior yearbook cover and being one of the ten finalists in the New Tech Nation for a video animation project about building bridges (the social kind).

     Kayme was a part of the first graduating class of A.T.E.M.S. in the spring of 2013. The following fall Kayme attended Cisco Junior College, graduating the next spring, 2014, with her Associates in Arts. She transferred to McMurry University the next fall.


About Me.

     In the fall of 2014, Kayme left Texas Roadhouse and found work at a hotel as a desk worker for a few months. In December she found a job as a delivery driver for Arrowhead Delivery.

     That fall Kayme was awarded a transfer scholarship at McMurry University for having a GPA higher than a 3.5. She was surprised, she didn't know that she did so well! In her pursuit of a Bachelors of Fine Arts, she decided her major of Studio Art and her two minors: Arts Administration and Creative Writing. In February of 2015, Kayme adopted a black kitten named Jasper. Jasper became her Emotional Support Animal (E.S.A.) for her anxiety and depression, and when she went to live on campus he accompanied her.

     When both of Kayme's arms were affected by tendinitis in the summer of 2015, she was out of work for three months. Luckily, Kayme's mother had been a banker since she was five and had taught her all about saving up money. That savings didn't hold up for very long, though, and she had to find another temporary job. She began working with Cici's Pizza, but had to become inactive once the fall semester started and she took 21 hours and a 60 hour internship. Her 60 hour internship was with a local professional artist, Mike Lanier, at Studio 13.

     In the Spring of 2016, Kayme interned for 50 more hours at Studio 13 and began a work-study job in the library on campus. Kayme won a Selfie Contest at McMurry for a scholarship for her last year, 2016-2017. During the semester, Kayme published her first full story. It is a children's book called Zora and Al's Adventure: Under the Bed, the first book for an ongoing series she hopes to continue.


To be continued...!

An artist's final masterpiece is herself. What she does in life; how she changes the world. It's not over until she has breathed her last color. Artists paint their life. The colors, the texture, the tiny details and the big picture. It tells you who they are, who they were, and who they will forever be remembered as.


I am an artist; I paint my life with action and vibrancy, with impatience and darkness. I cannot understand my painting until I understand myself. I have always strived to be better than I am. I believe that with hard work and perseverance, I can achieve anything.


-Kayme C.

       I make thought-provoking and emotionally charged art. I bring a scene to life from a blank canvas. I try and capture beauty and emotion where words fall short. I like to make the viewer see new worlds and to take them on a journey. I make art because it has always been something I am good at; my family is widely artistic, which is why I don’t just pursue one or two mediums but all the realms of art that I can – even literature.

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